

One Desire Fast 2023 Devotional – Day 1 Solitude

One Desire Fast is HMCC’s annual fast so we can start off the year hearing from God, both individually and as a church. This year’s theme is Witness.

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As we start off One Desire Fast, we want to learn about solitude – why it was important to Jesus and how we can follow His example. Many people fail to see the importance of solitude as they tend to equate spending time alone as wasting time. But carving out time in solitude simply means to pull away from others, and spend time alone with God to pause and reflect.

Jesus knew that His ministry had limited time on this Earth. However, He still chose to habitually retreat to desolate places to pray and spend time with His Father, because He knew that His ministry was out of His relationship with His Father so that He might accomplish His will. From various things ranging from recharging after ministry (Mark 6:30-32), to choosing His disciples (Luke 6:12-13) or even grieving the loss of someone’s passing (Matthew 14:13), Jesus spent time in solitude to pray, give praise, seek guidance or to simply connect with His Father.

Some people could have said, “What a missed opportunity for Jesus’ ministry, couldn’t He have used the time to preach and heal more people!” Instead, Jesus wanted to demonstrate that ministry is not about oneself or bigger crowds, but about one’s heart wanting to fulfill God’s will and grow in their relationship with Him. If Jesus did this regularly, why don’t we do the same? If we do not spend time in solitude with Jesus, it is easy to just go through the motions without purpose or examination of one’s heart. Being with Jesus reshifts our focus to what burdens His heart – we will start to praise Him and confess things that are not aligned with His will.

Let’s start the fast strong by carving out time in solitude, and believing by faith that God will speak to us and guide us through this new year!

Reflection and Application 

  • Have you ever resisted or avoided being alone with God? What tends to pop into your mind when you are alone or what do you resort to doing?
  • As we are just starting ODF, think about how you can carve out solitude time with God and what are some faith-required prayers you would like to ask God? Come up with some SMS (specific, measurable and set time) next steps and seek accountability. 

Prayer Requests for CUHK

  • Gain God’s heart to be a witness and reach out to those in our campus
  • Grow in our relationship with God and genuine friendship with one another 
  • Raise up the next generation and leaders who will build up our campus

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