

One Desire Fast 2023 Devotional – Day 7 Joy in the Journey

One Desire Fast is HMCC’s annual fast so we can start off the year hearing from God, both individually and as a church. This year’s theme is Witness.

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Read Hebrews 12:1-2

Congratulations, you’ve made it thought the first half of the One Desire Fast. As you reflect throughout the week, or maybe even this past month, have you felt joy? Looking back at last year, there were probably milestones that brought you happiness, but also tragedies that brought you low. Heading into this year, you might be fearful of the future, especially difficult seasons where it’s hard to feel great. But the truth is, when we feel good because of temporary circumstances, that is called happiness. Joy is not temporary, but a consistent internal state that is not dependent on external situations. 

Hebrews 12:1 talks about laying down all the things that weigh us down, our sinfulness that turns us away from God. And to do so, we need to repent and turn back to God, knowing that He loves and accepts us for who we are. This is the joy that we have in Him. The ‘cloud of witnesses’ reminds us that we are not alone in this journey, because there are people that God sent before us to point us back to Him in the harder parts of our lives.

But who was also able to have joy in the difficult journey? Jesus was the great example in Hebrews 12:2. He saw the suffering He had to go through, He hated the shame and suffering He had to endure, yet He saw the joy before Him. And what brought Him joy was the fact that you and I will be with Him, that in our lifetime and the life beyond in Heaven, we are loved and cherished by Him, lacking nothing. This is the same joy that we can have hope in too.

As we run through this year, the journey won’t be easy. But remember that you can be joyful, because Jesus has gone before you in your journey, along with the many who are cheering for you from Heaven.

Reflection and Application 

  • How can knowing that Jesus endured the cross for the joy of saving us change our perspective of our lives? Who are the people you know and trust who cheer you on this journey of following Jesus?
  • List down 3 good things and 3 bad things that happened in 2022 or simply in the past week of ODF. With all that has happened, what are 3 joyful expectations/goals you can set for 2023 or the rest of the fast?

Prayer Requests for Building Blocks

  • For teachers to be Spirit-filled and Spirit-led 
  • For children to grow in their understanding of the gospel and be a witness to others
  • For families to grow together spiritually and reach out to other families

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