

One Desire Fast 2023 Devotional – Day 8 Evangelize the Circle

One Desire Fast is HMCC’s annual fast so we can start off the year hearing from God, both individually and as a church. This year’s theme is Witness.

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Romans 10:14-17 – “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?…So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”

Evangelism comes from the Greek word “euaggelion,” which means “good news.” The good news is that those who believe in Jesus will be saved. That because Jesus conquered sin and death, we are made right with God and have the eternal hope of being reunited with God.

However, it’s easy to have misunderstandings about evangelism. Some people view evangelism as the responsibility of preachers, church leaders, or someone else who is “trained” for it. Some people limit evangelism or their faith to just Sundays or church events. Others may think that they do not have the “gift” to evangelize.

The truth is, evangelism is a calling God has given to every single believer (1 Peter 3:15). Romans 10:14-17 says faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. Therefore, we are all called to the mission of sharing the joy of the Gospel to those who have not yet heard of the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

As a church, we believe God has given us the vision of wanting to evangelize the Circle. The Valeriepieris circle is a region in Asia, approximately 4,000 kilometers in radius, with more than 50% of the world’s population. Within this region, there are unreached people groups who have no access to the Gospel, or no Christians nearby to preach to them. If we think back to some of our own journey, we were once lost, but God graciously and lovingly found us by placing different people or circumstances in our lives. Perhaps God has sovereignly placed you at where you are right now so that you can evangelize to those around you. And one day, those people you have evangelized to may evangelize to those around them. Eventually, the Gospel will ripple out over time to reach the whole circle. 

Now, do you see evangelism as your calling? Who are the lost souls that God is putting in your midst? How can you share the Good News today?

Reflection and Application 

  • Reflect on your own faith journey, how were you found by God’s love and who were some of the people that evangelized to you/shared the Gospel story with you? Are there some things that are hindering you from sharing the good news with others now? 
  • How can you contribute to the church’s vision of evangelizing to the circle? Write down the names of the people and regions within the circle that you want to pray for.

Prayer Requests for HKBU: 

  • Deeper relationship with God: for each of the members to grow deeper in their own walks with God
  • Authentic discipleship culture: to see layers of discipleship being built through genuine relationships and care, for it to be a culture of care instead of a task. 
  • Ownership of the church and campus: for God to move in people’s heart, to convict those who he calls to step up, to commit to HKBU and HMCC as a whole

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