

One Desire Fast 2023 Devotional – Day 11 Send People Out

One Desire Fast is HMCC’s annual fast so we can start off the year hearing from God, both individually and as a church. This year’s theme is Witness.

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Do you consider yourself a missionary that God is sending out?

You might have heard of the famous call that the prophet Isaiah received from God to preach to the Israelites “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” (Isaiah 6:8). Or Jesus sending his disciples two-by-two to minister to different towns (Luke 10:1). But the call to be sent out is not just for people in the Bible, it is also His call for you!

Why does God send people out? Because He is a missional God constantly searching for people to know Him. There are so many people who are spiritually dying and crushed from the troubles of this world – from depression, heartbreak, even failures and sin. God is compassionate and wants them to experience hope and an abundant life through Him (Matthew 9:35-38).

But do you ever feel like an imposter, wondering why God, all-powerful and omnipotent, is sending someone as weak and broken as you? Do you feel unworthy and unequipped to be sent? Well, it’s true that He doesn’t need any of us. But because He loves you, He is inviting you to partner with Him in transforming the world together. And He isn’t sending you to figure it all out on your own. He sent Jesus to go before you and be with you, as He said, “I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20b). As you obey Him to be sent out, you will gain His heart for lost people and be reminded of His Gospel again, too. You are where you are because He had sent others to reach out to you. Being sent by God is a huge responsibility but also a humbling privilege. You are not alone.

In the past 11 days of fasting and praying, how has God spoken to you? Has He reminded you of His goodness? Has He shown you how He wants you to respond to Him? God is sending you to share the hope that you have in Jesus Christ. Are you ready?

Reflection and Application 

  • Who are the people God had sent to reach out to you so that you are where you are now? How have they allowed you to experience hope in Christ?
  • What steps of faith do you need to take to obey His call to send you out to share God’s hope to the world?

    For example:
    • Apply for the student missions project before the Feb 18 deadline
    • Apply for the city ministry missions project in the future 
    • Pray for a specific nation or people group: ________________
    • Decide to reach out to specific people: ___________________
    • Others: ___________________

Prayer Requests for our Church:

  • S – STRENGTHEN our Church – grow in our personal walk with God
  • H – HELP make disciples – we have the calling to make disciples 
  • I – INITIATE greater partnerships – partner with other churches and movements to reach nations with the Gospel message 
  • F – Take steps in FAITH for the vision
  • T – TRAIN up servant leaders, how to be a leader and servant without the title and position

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