

One Desire Fast 2024 Devotional – Day 7 Impact: Our Role in Biblical Community

One Desire Fast is HMCC’s annual fast so we can start off the year hearing from God, both individually and as a church. This year’s theme is Saturate.

Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV – And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Being part of a Biblical community is like being part of a family – they are such an important part of your life, but sometimes you just can’t stand them. In the past 2 days, we have learned about the importance of a Biblical community, as well as the challenges and realities that come with being a part of it. Today, we will see how we are not only impacted by the community, but how we can also impact and contribute to the communities we are part of. We are called to be active participants in our spiritual families and not just distant bystanders or observers.

Hebrew 10 shares about our need to continue encouraging and supporting each other in a Biblical community. Does your LIFE Group look like this? Why or why not? This is also an invitation to us to examine our own involvement – what we are doing or not doing to build up this type of community? Do you proactively encourage and support others, even reaching out to people outside of your LIFE Group? Or do you usually wait for others to make the first move?

When investing in a Biblical community, if we don’t examine our motives, it’s easy to fall into two extremes: either we are avoidant and want to distance ourselves to avoid being hurt, or we make community all about us and what we can gain from it for ourselves. During this One Desire Fast, let’s consider our community and whether we are doing everything to love God and love people. 

The state of our community is not only the responsibility of a few people with titles, positions, or certain experiences. Every single one of us is created uniquely by God to bring flavor into the community and contribute to it. There are many ways to invest in community, so be creative with the gifts that God has given you (Ephesians 4:11-16)! For example, you never know how texting someone asking for their prayer requests can be just what they need. You might also bless your LIFE Group with some snacks you made. Or, it could be something as simple as sending someone a funny meme or encouraging message to cheer their day up. Other times, it can be praying in secret for your LIFE Group members and entrusting them to God through intercession. Whatever it is, let your faith in God for your community translate to action so that you are obeying God in this calling to love one another (James 2:14-17).

It is crucial to understand our role in community and take steps of obedience to impact those around us with God’s love. When our immediate community flourishes, it can have a ripple effect on the church as a whole, the greater community like your campus, or even our city. We will see this in the next few days when we learn about linking up. Lastly, let’s not forget to depend on God through prayer as we continue to fast! Ultimately, it is the work of God that brings people closer to Him and each other. Let’s pray boldly for God’s work in our lives, and in our communities.

Reflection and Application 

  • What role could you play in supporting and developing the community in your LIFE group? How can you use your time, treasures, and talents (3Ts) in doing so?
  • Write your commitment towards your LIFE group and steps that you can take to help build up your LIFE group. Make sure to make it SMS (specific, measurable, and set time).

Praises and Prayers Topics – Latitude


  • It’s been really great witnessing the Latitude youth’s genuine desire to grow and be Christ-like through discipleship. We have also seen their personal encounters with God that many youth have experienced, which have emboldened them to share their faith and extend invitations to their friends. 

Prayer Topics:

  • Pray for a deeper commitment to spiritual disciplines to deepen their faith and understanding of God.
  • Pray for layers of discipleship and investment within Latitude, so that we will continue to see more generations come to know Jesus as a personal savior!

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