

The Voice of the Good Shepherd

Refer to slide for Observations of the passage and use it to read alongside below Interpretation/Application.

Imagine yourself as a lost child in a bustling supermarket, the bright lights and colorful aisles overwhelming your senses. You anxiously call out for your parents, longing for the sound of their familiar voices, the voices that bring you comfort and security. Your heart yearns for that voice that knows you by name and will take care of you, making everything okay once you find them. They may scold you for wandering off and warn you about the dangers that lurk, the desire to hear that beloved voice remains strong within you.

In that same way, Jesus longs for us to be intimately familiar with His voice. Just as parents see and cherish their children, Jesus sees each and every one of us—His followers—with a deep, unwavering love and care. He describes Himself as the Good Shepherd, emphasizing the personal and profound connection He has with His flock (John 10:11). He loves us individually and desires to guide and protect us, even to the extent of risking His own life for our sake (John 10:14-15).

However, not everyone grasps this incredible truth. Even in Jesus’ time, the religious leaders struggled to comprehend His message and questioned His authority. Blinded by their own preconceived notions and the allure of worldly power, they failed to recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd (Jesus). Their adherence to legalism, self-righteousness, resistance to change, and love of power and prestige hindered their understanding. Similarly, we too may be susceptible to these pitfalls, especially when we prioritize our own comfort. Like the Pharisees, we might focus on external practices rather than the deeper meaning of faith. We may even judge others or not willing to step outside of what is within our control because we want to maintain our own image and status. 

We can be more like the Pharisees when we do not know the voice of our Good Shepherd (Jesus). Just like the child who carelessly wanders through the supermarket, we often become ensnared by the alluring temptations and conflicting voices that surround us in life. We may unknowingly listen to the voices of false shepherds—those who prioritize their own interests and abandon us when faced with adversity (John 10:13). We may find ourselves chasing after hollow pursuits that promise fulfillment but only leave us feeling empty and devoid of purpose. For example, it can be to the extent of not seeing our identity not as God’s sheep, as simple as craving for people’s approval or love of a spouse or parents, relentless pursuit of academic achievements or climbing up the corporate ladder. We let these things define us even if they will never truly satisfy us.

So, what blinds us from perceiving the truth? Can we identify these voices that are not aligned with Jesus? Let’s remember the lost child in the supermarket and the yearning for a familiar voice. It is a natural human instinct for us to desire familiarity and guidance. However, it is only when we deepen our understanding of God and establish a strong foundation in Him that we become more capable of discerning His voice. In our daily lives, we can learn to discern His voice through reading the Bible, spending time in prayer, and staying rooted in a Biblical community with people who can point us back to Jesus. By tuning out the distracting voices and pursuits that only leave us empty, we can fully embrace the love and guidance that Jesus offers. In Him, we find the voice that brings true comfort, security, and lasting satisfaction.