

One Desire Fast 2025 Devotional – Day 2: God the Father – Worthy

One Desire Fast is HMCC’s annual fast so we can start off the year hearing from God, both individually and as a church. This year’s theme is Simple Pursuit.

1 Chronicles 16:29 ESV “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him! Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness;”

Consider this: When was the last time you realized how great and amazing God is? In a world that often encourages us to focus on self, achievements, and material possessions, it is very easy to put more value in other things such as money, fame, and relationships. Thus, we neglect being able to connect with God, see who He is, and do His will. As we embark on the first full day of One Desire Fast, the first thing we want to do is to remind ourselves of the worthiness of God.  

We are reminded of the call to “give to the Lord the glory due to His name.” Imagine receiving invaluable advice and support from someone you look up to or respect – something that cannot be repaid with money. In such cases, we will prioritize our time and energy for them, often making sacrifices to express our gratitude and appreciation or to simply be with them. Take time to look back at this past year – reflect on how God has been powerful, great, and kind to us! Are our hearts moved to want to glorify Him and be with Him? If we know how much we have received from Him – so much more than the world can measure or offer – then nothing else would hold higher significance in our lives, whether it’s our achievements, possessions or efforts in serving Him. 

Have you ever considered what it means to bring an offering to God? The Bible tells us that when we understand the greatness and worthiness of God, we are to offer sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving (Psalm 107:22). During this fast, as we set aside certain comforts or distractions, we are making a conscious choice to cultivate a habit of pursuing God intentionally and praising Him. The act of bringing an offering signifies our internal posture and willingness to lay down our desires, ambitions and worries to Him. Though God doesn’t need our offerings, let’s make room for God, trusting that He is worthy of our devotion and worship. 

Carve out moments in your day to connect with Him and choose to worship Him for who He is! This could be as simple as starting your day with a few minutes of prayer or reflection, sitting in a nearby park during lunch to enjoy nature, sharing with others how you have experienced God this past year, or looking up how many generations of people praised God for his worthiness in the Bible. Every small step of faith and time carved out is a precious offering to God. Let’s encourage and support one another throughout this fast to keep our focus on God, who is worthy of it all! 

Reflection and Application 

  • What distractions in your daily life keep you from fully pursuing God? How can you incorporate small moments of worship and offering to God throughout your day? 
  • What are some moments you’ve had in your school/workplace/family/church that helped you see the worthiness of God? 

Prayer Requests – CUHK

  • For members to experience a refreshing and renewing relationship with Jesus which leads to a desire to share with those around us.
  • ⁠For more people to be hungry for community and Christ and to experience both through LIFE Group.

Click here for full devotional link and for PDF version