

One Desire Fast 2025 Devotional – Day 3: God the Father – Creator

One Desire Fast is HMCC’s annual fast so we can start off the year hearing from God, both individually and as a church. This year’s theme is Simple Pursuit.

Nehemiah 9:6 ESV “You are the Lord, you alone. You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them; and you preserve all of them; and the host of heaven worships you.”

Often, we see the harsh realities of the world and wonder if the creator of this world is still in control. Or, maybe some of our lives have felt so stagnant that we wonder about the reason behind our existence. It’s easy to get consumed in our own reasoning and feel overwhelmed by everything coming at us, causing us to forget that God created everything according to His goodness and purpose. 

Picture yourself in an open space, like a mountain vista or a beach view; such settings remind us of our smallness compared to God’s vastness. When we’re unsure about our purpose and do not truly live with the belief that there is God’s higher power guiding us, it’s natural to feel anxious and insecure. A simple and joyful pursuit of God begins when we change how we perceive our fears and insecurities. We learned yesterday that God is worthy of it all. Moreover, God also created us in His image (Genesis 1:27) and He has a plan to work all things together for good according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). By embracing these truths about God, we can choose to trust Him no matter what we go through. 

What do you think is God’s unique purpose for your life, and how can you discover it more deeply? To understand His sovereignty and goodness, we need to start by seeing Him as our designer and seeking Him. We can’t live a meaningful life that glorifies His kingdom without having a relationship with Him and knowing our worth and identity as He designed us. Since He created everything and everything belongs to Him, we must remember that each day is an opportunity to praise Him as our Creator.  

Continue this One Desire Fast by taking a moment to reflect on God as Creator. Go and observe your environment. For example, while being outdoors, consider how a flower’s intricate design showcases His creativity and attention to detail, or how the steadfastness of a tree reflects His strength and stability. Let these observations remind us that He is the God who does not grow tired or weary, the Creator of all things. Remember, if God created everything with such detail and purpose, He also created you in His image with unique gifts and talents for His purposes. Take time in this fast to reflect on the gifts and talents He has given you and how you can use them as a blessing to others. It could be in the things that you do at work/school, or can extend to serving in the church or community around us. As you reflect and recharge, may your heart be filled with a renewed sense of purpose to His calling and design for you.  

Reflection and Application 

  • Have you been seeing God as your Creator and the Creator of all things? How does that truth impact how you view yourself, your purpose, and people around you?
  • Is there anyone around you that God is compelling you to pray for so that they can understand that they are also God’s creation, designed with purpose for His Kingdom?
  • Reflect on how God has created you with your abilities, passions, and experiences. In what ways can you use these to bless and disciple those around you, in your LIFE Group, or in our church?

Prayer Requests – PolyU

  • Pray for our members to see the importance of committing to their personal faith and the local church.
  • Pray for unity amongst our LIFE Group and organic community.
  • Pray for discipleship culture where people see LIFE Group for a place for spiritual growth.

Click here for full devotional link and for PDF version