

About Us

Transforming the World.

HMCC.TV is created with the goal to equip people so that they can transform the world. It all started with the BOLD vision, a 5-year long vision of HMCC-HK to live out Matthew 28:19-20.


Our Mission

One of the component of the BOLD vision is to Build a School of Ministry. We want to have Kingdom workers who are equipped with various ministry skills in order to make a splash for Jesus.

We believe everyone is called to make a difference in this world through Jesus Christ. That is why we want to resource the body of Christ to transform lives that will transform the world.

Our Resources

Everything we create and distribute here exists to resource you so that you can make a difference in wherever your mission field is.  

If you have a question about our ministry, or need guidance with regards to our resources, we’d love to assist you here.

Check out our resources!