

How do you CLICK with someone?

Reaching out and talking to someone may be daunting, and sometimes you may not know where to begin when having a conversation with people. The CLICK acronym provides guiding principles for a conversation with a person you meet for the first time. As you evangelize, remember also the ingredients of evangelism (Colossians 4:2-6), which are a commitment to prayer, conscious thankfulness, and courage to talk with anyone you come across. 


C – Common Ground 

Find something that you have in common with the person, may it be where you’re from or a hobby. It’s always good to find commonalities to start an interaction. 

L- Listen well and then respond

Be thoughtful in the conversation, which means to be present in the conversation, listening intently to the other person to show that you genuinely care. Responding or reiterating what they said can also help them feel heard!

I – Initiate open-ended questions

Making the conversation flow and branching out with follow-up questions will allow you to know the other person better. Ask open ended questions where the other person can share more than just “yes” or “no”. Some examples of open-ended questions are asking them to share about a specific experience, emotion, or opinion on something.

C – Connect with non-verbal cues

Stay conscious about your non-verbal cues. Having good eye contact, nodding to their statements, and smiling will assure the other person that you care and make for a pleasant interaction. 

K – Know your Gospel story

Have a good foundation on your own personal Gospel story. How did you experience Jesus in your own life? Be ready to share your story and your purpose with them if the opportunity arises. Prayerfully find ways to weave it in smoothly and not awkwardly or forcefully into the conversation.

Use the CLICK acronym to get to know people and talk with anyone you come across.