

One Desire Fast 2023 Devotional – Day 10 Understand the Gospel

One Desire Fast is HMCC’s annual fast so we can start off the year hearing from God, both individually and as a church. This year’s theme is Witness.

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Romans 5:8 – “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

What is the Gospel message? The Gospel message is simply the story of God’s redemption for man. In the beginning, God created us perfectly and in His image, but because of sin, we were separated from God. Our sin meant that we deserved eternal punishment, but in His love, God decided to save us and redeem our relationship with Him. So God sent His Son Jesus Christ, to die on the cross, replacing us as a perfect sacrifice. And as He overcame death, Jesus restored our relationship with God so that we could have salvation and be His agents to transform the world and bring others to know Him too.

Many people would agree that the world is messed up, and that no one is perfect. But it might be harder to grasp the idea that the moment we sin, we already deserve to be eternally separated from God. The Gospel message tells us that though we are more sinful than we would ever like to admit, God’s grace alone can save us. Maybe that’s a new thought for you, or maybe it’s been something that you’ve known for many years. But often the reason we struggle in understanding the Gospel deeper is because we struggle to see it tangibly lived out.

Even if it’s not explicitly “Christian” or has the word God in it, we can see the Gospel message lived out when we see redemption and when we see things that move His heart. When someone sacrificially gives to save someone else – that’s the Gospel. When we see forgiveness – that’s the Gospel. Even in moments of failure, when we see how people can change as a result of grace, that’s the Gospel too!

More than just understanding and seeing it, we can understand the Gospel deeply by living it out, by demonstrating grace and loving on others every day. And as we grow a deeper understanding of the Gospel, God is transforming our lives that we might become more and more like Him.

Reflection and Application 

  • What does the Gospel mean to you? What is your Gospel story? Share with 1-2 people
  • What aspects of the Gospel are you understanding deeper for yourself, and how is God calling you to live this out?

Prayer Requests for Latitude:

  • Salvations in Latitude 
  • Leadership development for and within youth
  • Deep and consistent relationship with God and one another

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