

One Desire Fast 2023 Devotional – Day 3 Silence

One Desire Fast is HMCC’s annual fast so we can start off the year hearing from God, both individually and as a church. This year’s theme is Witness.

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Read Psalm 62:1-2 

All of us can attest to the fact that there is an ever increasing volume of advice and opinions on social media, telling us how we should live our lives, spend our money, build relationships, etc. For some of us, maybe it’s not that influencer on Tik Tok or Instagram, but your parents or friends. Regardless, all this noise makes it difficult for us to listen to the one whose voice is most important: God. 

The last time you prayed, was it hard to just listen to Him in quietness? Often, our minds are filled with noise that takes away our focus from God. This is why silence is so important because when there is silence, we need to face our deepest fears, anxieties, or any barrier that stands between us and God. We cannot run away from it. It gives us the chance to just wait upon Him and listen to Him. Too often we forget how important silence is when it comes to our relationship with God. 

God delights in us taking a moment of silence to listen to him quietly (Psalm 62). When Jesus was here on this earth, He spent time with the Father in silence and in prayer, which was essential for His intimate relationship with the Father. Therefore, silence helps us to hear God’s voice. At the same time, we have to be the one taking initiative to remove all the noises that hinder us from hearing His voice. One example of the spiritual discipline of silence is when Elijah was alone in the wilderness, fleeing from Jezebel who was hunting for his life (1 Kings 19:11-13). God told him to stand on the mountain because He will pass by. Elijah was waiting for God to speak through the loud hurricane, earthquake or fire, but God spoke to him in a gentle and quiet whisper. 

We believe that God does desire to speak to us. Therefore, let’s take some time to be in silence during this time of fasting, so we can hear God’s voice more clearly.

Reflection and Application 

  • In the first few days of the fast, what do you think God is trying to speak to you about? Spend 5 min in silence to listen to him and write down your thoughts
  • What are the benefits of having regular time of silence with God? What can you do to uphold that time?

Prayer Requests for Focus Ministry

  • For people to have a deeper understanding of the Gospel so they are transformed from the inside out and they live a life that is obedient to God’s calling for them. 
  • To have gospel-centered & strong discipleship relationships, where people are intentional and wanting to become more like Christ. 
  • For people to have a greater burden for Hong Kong and for our hearts to be aligned with God’s heart.

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