

One Desire Fast 2024 Devotional – Day 10 Link Up: HMCC as a Local Church in Hong Kong

One Desire Fast is HMCC’s annual fast so we can start off the year hearing from God, both individually and as a church. This year’s theme is Saturate.

Luke 4:18-19 ESV – The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

Continuing from yesterday’s devotional about being rooted in the local church, beyond reflecting on our commitment to a local church in Hong Kong, today we will look specifically at our church, Harvest Mission Community Church (HMCC) of Hong Kong, and explore some next steps to pray and support the church. 

HMCC Hong Kong was started in 2015 because of the belief that the Gospel message and the good news of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection can transform lives. We want to focus on making disciples to reach the nations and transform the world with the Gospel message. As a local church in Hong Kong, we are also called to reach the city and its people from all walks of life, including students, working adults, and families, with the same heart of wanting to see them being transformed into Christ’s disciples. 

We believe that God is calling us to ripple out and fill Hong Kong with the knowledge of God’s glory with the Saturate vision, starting January 2024 and for the next 6 years. This year can look very different from previous years as we are blessed with a permanent home, the Transformation Center. We are praying to utilize the space as a place not only for our church related gatherings, but also a space to link up with other churches and organizations to build up a presence in the city and serve the community. We believe that the Spirit of the Lord is leading us, so we want to continually listen to God as we live out the Saturate vision. We want to proclaim His good news to those around us and ripple out to Hong Kong. 

As LIFE Groups are micro churches that build up our bigger local church community (HMCC of HK), we believe in living out our faith missionally as a church. We want to be a visible display and viable demonstration of God’s love in our city. This is why we have a dedicated month each year learning more about Missions and organizing various outreach opportunities throughout the year. Furthermore, we have been building partnerships with various churches and NGOs/ministries to reach out to people in specific districts and regions. One of the ways we do this is through CityServe, a dedicated Sunday where we rally different churches in Hong Kong to go into the city to display God’s love by tangibly serving different needs of the city. 

As we learn about the potential impact we can make on our surrounding districts, regions, and the city when we link up together, how is God speaking to you? How is God stirring your heart for the city of Hong Kong as He has brought you here?

Reflection and Application 

  • How have you been blessed by our church? What are some key elements that make it a meaningful and impactful place of worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth?
  • When you think of where our church is at, what are some of the areas that you want to pray for or take part in building up the church?

Praises and Prayers Topics – CUHK


  • We’re thankful to have kicked off the year to dream and pray together for what we want to see (more salvations, baptisms, freshmen) and are expectant for God to work. We’ve also seen more people get connected this year and find out about LIFE Group through various avenues (other church members, word of mouth, booths) and are excited to explore more avenues to reach out to students.

Prayer Topics:

  • Pray for each member of our LIFE Group to take a step of faith and grow in our relationship with Jesus this semester, whether that’s through salvations, commitments, and learning to be discipled and disciple others.
  • Pray ⁠⁠for our LIFE Group to be united in our vision to reach the next generation and see multiplication through more underclassmen who are ready and committed to be our next generation.

Click here for full devotional link and for PDF version