

One Desire Fast 2024 Devotional – Day 12 Launch: The Call for Missions

One Desire Fast is HMCC’s annual fast so we can start off the year hearing from God, both individually and as a church. This year’s theme is Saturate.

Isaiah 6:8 ESV – And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”

The core of missions is sharing the Gospel. Missions is not just for those who go somewhere far away. It can be as simple as sharing your faith with others around you and embodying the character of Jesus in your life. Consider this: if no one had ever shared the Gospel with you, you might never have experienced the renewal of hope and purpose through Jesus. There are still countless individuals around us who have yet to encounter this life-transforming message. Being able to share with others should be out of our own personal conviction. How we share our Gospel experiences and how rooted we are in God as our foundation is important. This should be our motivation to be Gospel Fluent! 

God calls each of us to live out our missions calling in unique ways, as He tailor-makes our personal encounters with Jesus. Sometimes, we may mistakenly think that there is only one specific approach to missions. However, the story that God has written for us is designed to bring Him glory in a way that no one else can. Even the fact that you live right now, in this exact generation, is part of His sovereign plan. There are always needs everywhere, how can we discern God’s calling for us and readily respond the way that Isaiah did – “Here I am! Send me”? This requires our awareness of how God is shaping us and of what He is doing to connect the dots in our lives. 

How can you prepare yourself or pray through your calling for missions? Start praying! Ask God for wisdom and clarity in your calling on how you can best serve in missions. Research and explore different opportunities within our church or other missions organization, both local and international. Short-term mission projects may also be a good opportunity to experience God first hand in cross-cultural settings and serve alongside other people. Consider if you will apply to the next missions project offered by our church.

You may find yourself feeling called to a specific nationality or people group, or to address a particular social issue. Perhaps your own personal experiences have instilled within you a deep compassion for those who have endured similar hardships. For instance, if you have experienced sexual harassment in the past, you may feel a strong connection to individuals affected by human trafficking or children who have suffered sexual abuse at a young age. What you study or your profession may also be an area of interest to explore. Let’s say, medical missions for those in the medical field. 

Like how our church is taking a step of faith into the Saturate vision for the next 6 years, we also need to take some steps of faith as we pray and discern our personal calling. Let’s continue to ask God to give us strong convictions on where He is calling us to live out His mission, not only as individuals but as a church! 

Reflection and Application 

  • Think of this statement: your mission field is where your feet are. Have you been embracing or responding to being at the place where God is placing you?
  • How does your Gospel story influence your participation in God’s mission? Is there any specific nationality, people group, or social issue that you feel drawn to?
  • Pray for missions opportunities and consider applying for the summer missions project. 

Praises and Prayers Topics – HKBU


  • We thank God for answering our prayers by bringing many freshmen into our LIFE group this year and for fostering a deep sense of community, where people can connect, support and grow together.

Prayer Topics:

  • Pray for deeper discipleship within our group, where we are finding Jesus as our source and pointing one another to Him.
  • Pray for salvations of pre-Christians in our LIFE Group and on our campus.

Click here for full devotional link and for PDF version