

One Desire Fast 2024 Devotional – Day 13 Launch: To the Nations

One Desire Fast is HMCC’s annual fast so we can start off the year hearing from God, both individually and as a church. This year’s theme is Saturate.

Revelation 7:9-10 ESV – After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” 

Congratulations on making it to the last day of the fast! In the past 12 days, we have been going through the FILL values – from deepening our foundations in the Gospel, to navigating our role in making an impact to the community, to thinking bigger about linking up in a local church, to now asking God where He is launching us for His mission. 

The One Desire Fast has been an intentional time period set aside for us to seek God and go deeper in understanding the Saturate vision altogether as a church. In whatever way God has been speaking to us, let’s believe by faith there is definitely more to come. It is very easy to go back to our old habits after fasting, or worse, totally forget what God has been speaking to us through these 12 days. What we have been learning is not just merely for ourselves, our church or for Hong Kong, but for the bigger picture of what God is doing and may impact even future generations.

In Revelation 7, John was granted a magnificent vision of the future, a glimpse into the heavenly realm where he saw a great multitude. This multitude is made up of people from every nation, tribe, people and language. This vision of the multitude before the throne reminds us of the unity and harmony that await us in the presence of God. It foreshadows the culmination of God’s redemptive work when people from every corner of the earth will gather together, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, to worship and praise Him forever. 

This bigger vision of God reminds us of the big God that we get to serve and worship, and gives us an eternal perspective. Sometimes, we may find God’s mission far too big that we don’t know where we fit in, or we wonder if the little things we do will even make an impact in the grand scheme. Other times, we can become so focused on magnifying ourselves that we forget God’s greater purpose. But remember, God never leaves us alone in doing His mission. We are constantly accompanied and guided by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19-20). 

Here are some small ways you can gain a heart for the nations. Start by thanking God for where He’s placed you – this is your mission field. You may find that there are people from different cultures, potentially from unreached nations who are already present in your circle of influence. You might also look outside of your immediate context and set aside time regularly to learn about and pray for a specific nation or people-group, read missionary biographies, etc. Let God enlarge your view of His global mission!

So now that ODF is ending, what’s next? It’s important to reflect on some key things that God spoke to you throughout the fast and write them down before you forget. Sharing with others also helps. How will you respond to God in tangible action in light of what He spoke to you about? How will you continue to foster your hunger for God? Let’s expect more of God for the rest of this year and remind ourselves and others around us to be FILLED by God as we continue to live out the Saturate vision. Go, you are sent!

Reflection and Application 

  • What are some of your key takeaways from the One Desire Fast? How do you plan to carry forward the lessons and insights gained during this time in your daily life? 
  • How will you maintain a missional mindset and intentionality in your daily life beyond the fasting period? What practical steps can you take to ensure that mission remains a priority?
  • What ongoing support or accountability structures can you establish after the One Desire Fast?

Praises and Prayers Topics – Focus Ministry


  • It’s been a refreshing season for Focus ministry where we really see our LIFE Groups looking beyond themselves and serving the city through different outreaches. It’s also really encouraging to see our members step out of their comfort zone to love people around them. 

Prayer Topics:

  • Pray that Focus ministry will see more salvations and baptism in this coming season. 
  • Pray that people will grow deeper in their intimacy with Jesus and for healthy discipleship relationships in Focus ministry.

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