

One Desire Fast 2024 Devotional – Day 3 Foundations: The Gospel’s Transformative Power

One Desire Fast is HMCC’s annual fast so we can start off the year hearing from God, both individually and as a church. This year’s theme is Saturate.

Hebrews 12:1-3 ESV – Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.

Have you ever witnessed the Gospel completely changing a person? Maybe someone who had always been easily triggered is now able to show grace to others. Or maybe someone who had always been anxious but can now experience peace and joy that transcends all understanding. This complete 180° shift of character is beyond understanding and may even seem too good to be true. That’s because we believe it can only happen through the power of Jesus Christ. This is the transformative power of the Gospel. Yesterday, we talked about having knowledge of what the Gospel is. Today, we’ll examine if we have experienced the transformative power of the Gospel in our hearts.

If the Gospel is our foundation, that means our hope and joy is not based on what we can do but based on what Jesus has done for us already. Our perspective is changed when we believe that God is fighting alongside us. We can rejoice simply because we know that He is good and His good work is within us. We can see His sovereignty and fingerprints in our lives for placing us in challenges that discipline us and deepen our faith in Him. The great cloud of witnesses – the people that we have seen being transformed by the Gospel – can be an encouragement as we go through seasons of life. 

Have you experienced this for yourself? Are you currently going through difficulties or struggling to see hope in your life? Receiving the Gospel does not guarantee that our lives will be smooth sailing or we will continue growing in our faith and feel closer to God. We are still depraved human beings at the end of the day. It is inevitable to go back to our old ways if we do not continue to abide in God. Through this One Desire Fast, we can ask ourselves if we have been putting God or ourselves first. How can we change our attention from our own plans and agendas to asking Him to work within our character? 

It is truly precious to know that God is still at work in us and is not finished with us until we experience the fullness of the Gospel, even if we may continually fall short. God wants to show you not just how much He loves you and how He can save you through Jesus, but also how He intended to create you in His image and how He intends to use you, a broken vessel, for His restorative purpose. 

Learning about the Gospel and how being chosen by God is such a great honor and responsibility. Let’s keep up the good fight, focus our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, in order to encounter the transforming power of the Gospel!

Reflection and Application 

  • Reflect on the transformative power of the Gospel in your own life – how has the Gospel brought about change, healing, or restoration in your life? If you’re not a Christian, think about anyone in your life whom you have seen experiencing the Gospel. How have they changed compared to before?
  • In what ways does the Gospel impact your daily life and decision-making? How does it shape your values, relationships and priorities? Write down some decisions you may want to make in this season. 

Prayer Topics

  • Pray for continual transformation of the Gospel in our hearts, mind, and characters to reflect the image of Christ.
  • Pray for people to experience healing, restoration, and redemption through the power of the Gospel.
  • Pray that we will be ignited by the Gospel message and to be motivated to share it to those around us.

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