

One Desire Fast 2024 Devotional – Day 8 Link Up: Importance of the Local Church

One Desire Fast is HMCC’s annual fast so we can start off the year hearing from God, both individually and as a church. This year’s theme is Saturate.

Ephesians 4:4-6 ESV – There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call—one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

Imagine a project at the workplace where different teams with different expertises work together to deliver. The project cannot only have a marketing team, or tech team, or finance team to get it done. Similarly, we have learned how taking part in building up a Biblical community, like LIFE Group, can impact people with God’s love, but there are greater things that can only be achieved when many communities come together. Let’s take the early churches as an example. Though physically separated, they would write letters to update each other on needs and praises. They built each other up and partnered together by speaking truth and encouraging each other when they experienced hardships. 

There is beauty in building relationships across different communities with people from different walks of life. This can only be experienced when we are part of a bigger church community, where multiple LIFE Groups come together. This is what it means to be one body and one Spirit. It not only helps us to see beyond our own comfortable bubble, but also encourages us to see how God is working in those contexts and learn from others’ walks with God. When we see how constant and sovereign God is in orchestrating things even beyond ourselves, we will be affirmed by the transformative power of the Gospel that is continuously active within us.

Being reminded of the grace we have received from God through the Gospel would make us want to extend the same grace to others. We would want to get to pray and walk alongside others beyond our context. For example, we all know how transitions can be hard — whether it’s transitioning to university, working life, or marriage life. What a blessing it would be to have a fellow older brother/sister who has been through it and can walk with us or help us in our transition. It could also be as simple as connecting a high school friend going to a different university to a LIFE Group community. These are some ways we can grow as a body of Christ, just like the early churches supporting one another. 

Expanding our perspective not only within our own community but also to other communities in our church can also increase our faith and deepen our understanding of what is actually in God’s heart. The Gospel is not just for individuals and LIFE Groups, but for the local church. What are some perspectives on the local church that you can align with God’s heart? How can you connect with people beyond your immediate LIFE Group in our church?  Let’s pray for this perspective to see beyond ourselves and our communities, to ultimately contribute to the local church, which is Christ’s bride. 

Reflection and Application 

  • How have you felt supported and nurtured by the church in your walk with God? Reflect on specific instances where you have felt encouraged, challenged, or equipped to grow in your relationship with God within the church community.
  • In light of your personal experience, how can you encourage others who are not a part of your own LIFE group? 

Praises and Prayers Topics – PolyU


  • We praise God for His blessings by bringing numerous freshmen who have joined our LIFE groups and brought new dynamics in our campus ministry. We are thankful for the deep sense of community and connection that the women in our group have experienced throughout the past semester.

Prayer Topics:

  • Pray for salvation and for more people to internalize the Gospel.
  • Pray for members to grow to become disciples who can then disciple others.

Click here for full devotional link and for PDF version