One Desire Fast is HMCC’s annual fast so we can start off the year hearing from God, both individually and as a church. This year’s theme is Simple Pursuit.
Hebrews 12:1-2 ESV “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
In the past three days, we have been learning more about God the Father but that isn’t all of who He is! God also sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth — fully human and fully God — who came to save us from our sins (John 3:16). Jesus is the only reason we can be made right with God.
Many of us are familiar with the concept of Jesus being our savior, but we don’t live dependently on His saving power. Think about your new year’s resolutions or goals you’ve set — many of us can testify that it’s hard to keep them on our own strength. The truth is that our sinfulness creates a chasm between us and God and we must acknowledge our many limitations. We often try to bridge this divide through our own efforts—following rules, doing good deeds, or striving for perfection but we overlook that we cannot save ourselves no matter how hard we try. This realization is both humbling and freeing, reminding us of our need for a Savior who can accomplish what we cannot.
Having lived as a human, Jesus faced temptation and suffering yet remained sinless, making Him the perfect Savior for us. Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before Him, paying the penalty for our sins and restoring our relationship with God. This is something we could have never done on our own. Through His resurrection from the dead, He offers us hope and the promise of power in Him, reminding us that we too can find strength in our struggles by fixing our eyes on Him.
In our spiritual journeys, we often over-complicate our relationship with Jesus. Even though we know Jesus has done all the work for us on the cross and overcame death, our sinful nature may still urge us to earn our worthiness or to be “good enough” on our own. Sometimes, we try to earn God’s favor by doing more things. We mistakenly equate our time and efforts in doing things and serving Him with spending time with Him, leading us to a works-based mindset instead of one grounded in grace. Other times, we fear being inadequate, worrying that we don’t know the Bible well enough or spend enough time with Him.
Let’s not allow this sin that clings so closely to hold us back. As we continue fasting together, we are indeed surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. Let’s lay aside every burden and support one another in refocusing on Jesus. Let us admit that we are powerless on our own, and let Jesus takeover. And since Jesus has saved us and given us new life, it’s crucial that we also share this message with those around us who have yet to experience this hope. There are many souls longing for the same love and grace we have found, and we are called to extend that gift to them.
Reflection and Application
- Reflect on your relationship with Jesus. In what moments do you turn to Him, and in what moments is it hard for you to believe or trust in Him as a Savior?
- Are there sins that God is convicting you to confess and repent of? It can be any sins or even pride (insecure pride of feeling that you can never be good enough, or a righteous pride that wants to prove yourself). Ask for Jesus’ grace and forgiveness to overcome these sins.
- How can you share about Jesus with others? Pray for a conversation this week and an opportunity to share Jesus’ love with others.
Prayer Requests – HKU
- Intimacy with Jesus and deeper experience of the Gospel.
- Culture of discipleship to reach the next generation.
- Evangelism to the lost in our campus.
Click here for full devotional link and for PDF version