

Upside Down Missions Month 2020 Resources

In 2020, HMCC had a missions month in November themed “Upside Down” – here are some resources that were provided to guide us through the month!

Upside Down City

Here are 2 articles and a documentary video to learn about the needs of the poor in Hong Kong:

Learn about HKCNP (Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor)

Upside Down Communities


The Transformasphere Movement was birthed by members at Harvest Mission Community Church who have a passion to see each of the major spheres of society and culture – Commerce, Healthcare, Arts, Media and Entertainment, Religious Institutions, Government and Politics, Education, and Domestic Issues (CHARGED) – transformed by the Gospel message. The word “transformasphere”, broken down into its parts, means to “transform-a-sphere.” We believe that God calls his people to shine the radiance of Christ into the world, in all its areas, bringing restoration and value to communities in both word and deed. It is our hope that this generation will answer the call to make a worldwide difference for Jesus Christ.

Check out the website for more information and testimonies:

Upside Down Perspective

World beliefs and how Christianity fits the context

Learn about different worldviews and perspectives so you can be equipped to share the Gospel to those with various backgrounds! 1 Peter 3:15 – ” but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect”






Upside Down Life

Bible Devotional

Read this 7-day devotional called “Life on Missions” to align your heart with God’s mission!

Missions Articles

Here are some articles to learn more about the heart of missions! Let’s be in prayer and be open to how God wants to speak to us!